
Register – Norther Lights Teaching School Hub ECF programme (FIP)  

To sign up for the Full Induction Programme delivered by Norther Lights Teaching School Hub for 2021-22, you will need to register on the Education Development Trust (EDT) website and choose “The Northern Lights Hub” from the Delivery Partner drop-down menu. 

School also need to register on the Department for Education’s Online Service – 

Register on the Department for Education Online Service 

This is a new requirement. Schools will be invited by the Department for Education (DfE) to register on their Online Service portal and to indicate their ECF induction preference (either the FIP or the CIP) before their Early Career Teachers (ECTs) start their statutory induction programme. 

The DfE will contact all schools with login details for the Online Service. When you log in, you will be asked to: 

  • Confirm your school details and nominate an induction tutor 
  • Indicate how many ECTs you may have for 2021-22 
  • How you want to run your induction in the 2021-22 academic year – you will be offered a choice of two routes: 
  • a programme led by a training provider, funded by the DfE (Full Induction Programme – FIP) 
  • a programme led by the school, using accredited materials (Core Induction Programme – CIP) 

If you wish to participate in the Full Induction Programme delivered by the Northern Lights Hub, you should choose the first option (Full Induction Programme). 

If your school does not expect to have any ECTs in the 2021-22 academic year, you do not need to register with the Online Service. Instead, familiarise yourself with the revised statutory guidance for induction and ensure your school’s policy is up to date for future ECTs 

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