January Appropriate Body Update
We are delighted to welcome new schools to our Appropriate Body service this term! We are building a fantastic network of school leaders and ECTs and will be developing opportunities for support and sharing of good practice across our region in the coming months. Over the next half term, we will be beginning to conduct our In-Depth Check-Ins with each of you so please do look out for your email which will invite you to book in this time with us.
For any schools who are thinking of employing an ECT in the coming weeks and months, please remember to also sign up with an Appropriate Body who will oversee and Quality Assure the Induction process for your ECTs. If you require any further information on Appropriate Body Services at NLTSH, please check our website or contact us using the details shared below.
COMING UP: We will be holding information webinars for school leaders, Induction Tutors and ECTs in the summer term so please look out for more information on our social media, website and news bulletins over the coming weeks. These webinars will provide information around the changes to Induction, our Appropriate Body service and support in choosing an ECF programme in order to register your ECTs.
We will also be hosting online training in Autumn Term to support all schools who are signed up with us for Appropriate Body to ensure Induction entitlements are met and all schools are confident in supporting ECTs during their 2-year Induction period.