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What is an Appropriate Body?

The work of an Appropriate Body (AB) is to act as quality assurance for ECTs during their induction. 

Schools must select an AB to serve them through the two-year induction of their ECF, ensuring that the support, assessment and guidance procedures throughout the process are up to standard.   

Our Appropriate Body Offer

As an Appropriate Body, we can oversee the induction of schools following each of the 3 ECF routes and support part-time and full-time ECTs in varying roles.  

Northern Lights Teaching School Hub is an Appropriate Body for all school types, including nursery schools, infants, juniors, primary, secondary, mainstream, independent, specialist, alternate provision and post-16. 

If you are unsure if your setting fits into any of these categories, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at

Learn more

To learn more about our support work as an Appropriate Body, you can download our Prospectus below.