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NPQ – National Professional Qualification

National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) are a set of prestigious, trusted and transferable qualifications accredited by the Department for Education.  

Northern Lights has partnered with Ambition Institute, known for its quality clinics and conferences, to offer a high-quality CPD experience and to offer the full range of Specialist and Leadership NPQs. 

We also partner with The Church of England Education Office (in partnership with the Catholic Education Service) to offer a ‘Flex’ model to groups of schools and MATs.  

The NPQs from both providers are available for teachers and leaders who want to develop their knowledge and skills in school leadership and specialist areas of teaching practice.

Our NPQ Offer

Our range of NPQs includes:

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the time commitment?

For all programmes the time commitment for a participant is at least 50 minutes per week.  The 50 minutes study each week is made up of a combination of Insight and Application modules.

Insight modules: Weeks 1, 3 and 5 are independent and can be accessed whenever you want during the week through an online platform.  Through accessing the Insight modules, you will engage with new learning linked to your NPQ programme at your own pace.

Application modules: Weeks 2, 4 and 6 are completed with a `buddy’ so you will pair up and spend those 50 minutes (max) together either virtually or in person.  Your buddy will provide support throughout the programme.

In addition to the Insight and Application modules, there will be scheduled Clinics (2hr) and Communities (1hr).  As a rough guide, you will have a Clinic and a Community each half-term.

How many days will I be required to be out of school?

NPQLL, NPQLT, NPQLTD, NPQLBC: The only time out of school required is for the one-day launch Conference and the assessment clinic at the end of the course (half day).

All other Clinics are run virtually (4-6pm) to minimise the impact on pupils.  Clinics are roughly once a half-term.  The Programme lasts for 12 months, comprising six six-week courses).

NPQSL & NPQEYL: Two and a half days out of school, the launch Conference, a second Conference at the 3/4 point of the Programme and the assessment clinic at the end of the course (half day).  All Clinics are run inside the working day but outside of teaching time (4-6pm) to minimise the impact on pupils.  Clinics are roughly once a half-term.  The Programme lasts for 18 months, comprising nine six-week courses.

NPQH: Three and a half days out of school, the launch Conference, a Conference at the 3/4 point of the programme and the assessment clinic at the end of the course (half day).  You will also be required to do a school visit to another school and can timetable that yourself.  All Clinics are run inside the working day but outside of teaching time (4-6pm) to minimise the impact on pupils.  Clinics are roughly once a half-term.  The programme lasts for 18 months, comprising nine six-week courses.

All dates will be shared with you in advance and we advise that you put all of the dates into your calendar and request your leave of absence so that you know when you need time out of school.

What does the Assessment look like?

The Assessment is a case study of 2000 words, which you read, and have an 8 day to respond in no more than 1500 words (essay style, continuous prose).  The Clinics that you will attend every 6 weeks take you through problem-solving/scenario-based approaches to problem-solving, so this is great preparation for the Assessment.  The Assessment Clinic at the end of the programme will also prepare you for your 1500-word response.  You must also engage with at least 90% of the Course Content/Clinics/Conferences/Communities throughout your course to pass.

We would advise that you put the Assessment window in your diary and ensure that you give yourself enough time to complete it. Although 8 days can seem like a lot of time, you also have to factor in your usual work / home commitments at the same time.

How much does an NPQ cost?

Scholarship funding for Spring 2025

Funding for autumn 2024 will target those teachers and leaders who work in the most challenging schools or educational settings, serving more disadvantaged communities. 

Scholarship funding to cover the full NPQ course cost will be available to teachers and leaders from: 

  • the 50% of schools with the highest proportion of students who attract pupil premium funding 
  • 16 to 19 educational settings identified as having high disadvantage 

For the early years leadership NPQ, highly disadvantaged early years settings will also be eligible.    

Scholarships will continue to be available to all teachers and leaders from publicly funded schools and 16 to 19 educational organisations for the following NPQs: 

  • leading primary maths  
  • SENCO  
  • headship  

For the early headship coaching offer, funding to cover the course fees will be available if you are in your first 5 years of headship in England in a state-funded school or state-funded 16 to 19 organisation. You should also be doing or have done the headship NPQ.  

What is a clinic?

Clinics are two-hour, facilitated sessions that aim to check participant understanding of the content delivered through the Insight and Application modules in previous six-week course, address common misconceptions, further contextualise the content and support the building of a community/network.

Programme Overview

Register your interest in accessing the National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) with the Hub 

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